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About FishKid at Heart

Providing kids an opportunity to learn and enjoy the sport of fishing

FishKid at Heart

Our mission

Educating youth through immersive and interactive fishing experiences.

The FishKid At Heart casting events exist to engage youth to inspire them to go fishing, enjoy the outdoors, get out from their electronics, and spend time fishing with family/friends. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. The kids participate in fun, kid-friendly fishing skills and accuracy challenge events by casting into strategically placed targets. All fishing poles and weighted, hookless jigs are provided. While the kids are casting, parents learn the basics of fishing from pros and local fishing guides in a separate seating area.

FishKid at Heart youth casting events are a positive community event for youth and families. Fishing is a great sport for parents to build stronger relationships with their children. Our events create excitement and passion for fishing within kids and provide parents with the knowledge they need to spend valuable time with the children in an outdoor experience.

FishKid at Heart

Our vision

To positively impact 1,000s of kids with accessible fishing experiences that build character, patience, kindness and teachability.


The casting events are free to any youth who registers at locations throughout Central Texas. Kids can come and learn how to cast, learn fishing techniques, win fishing prizes, and participate in the official casting events. There are small kiddie pools for youth 3-6 yrs old to enjoy a simple “pole into water” pool where kids can magnetically fish for plastic fish that have point values.


The objective of participants is to score the highest points by landing on targets with different point values.

All participants use the provided rod/reel combos. Do not bring your gear to the event.

A casting event round is 1 minute. At the end of 1 minute round, your score will be registered as your official score.

Each participant will have a 1-minute practice prior to the 1-minute casting round.

There are practice lanes to practice prior to entering a casting round.

All points equal raffle tickets. Raffle tickets are used by participants to have a chance to win prizes a the event.

There will be multiple teaching sessions conducted by manufacturers and local professional fishermen educating parents and kids on fishing techniques and info.


When you arrive at our casting event, you will register to enter. There will be multiple casting lanes to enjoy and learn and accrue points. You accrue points by hitting targets. Each target has a point value from 1-6 points. For every point you receive, you get a ticket. These tickets are used to enter raffles of multiple giveaways at the event. The raffle giveaways occur at the end of each event.

There is a designated casting event area with four lanes. Each lane is noted by color. When a child registers to enter the casting event, they will be called by name to a specific colored lane. Once all four kids are in place, in their lane, a referee will start the 1-minute casting round. A timer will be visible to all participants. A referee will be overseeing each lane to count the points. After the one-minute casting round, the points will be registered to the participant’s name and logged as their official tally.


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